industries / Banking

Take banking to the next level, break boundaries, explore unchartered waters

We help you craft the bank of the future, enhancing customer experience, driving business growth

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Innovative Banking

The new model of banking involves using technology to make financial services better, efficient and easily available. It incorporates the use of artificial intelligence, block chain and automation to offer better services and security. This enables the customers to conduct their transactions through digital platforms, mobile applications, and voice recognition services. This banking model promotes cooperation, providing comprehensive solutions which meet the requirements of various profiles. Innovate banking is efficient, customer-centric, boundaryless and is only possible with cloud computing

Our solutions to your challenges


Roll out cloud-based mobile banking apps tailor-made from our generic mobile app solution that allow customers in remote areas to access financial services without visiting a branch


Integrate app with mobile money platforms for easy transactions.


Migrate and deliver services from our ERP solution modified to suite your requirements in order to eliminate the need for expensive physical data centers


Integrate the ERP solution with your web and mobile app solution to improve customer experience


Offer 24/7 access to banking via cloud-based chatbots and virtual assistants adapted with your solution


Provide personalized banking services using AI and data analytics tailored from our data analytic and AI solution.


We keep your infrastructure and platform secure using advanced security features like encryption, AI-configured threat detection to proactively tackle cyber threats and crimes


We ensure real-time monitoring and rapidly respond to potential breaches

Cloud computing is empowering, as anyone in any part of the world with an internet connection and a credit card can run and manage applications in the state-of-the-art global datacenters; companies leveraging cloud will be able to innovate cheaper and faster

Jamal Mazhar, Founder3 & CEO of Kaavo

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